Yesterday I went back to go through the kiosk The truth is that for quite some time since I was visiting and of course, played renew magazines. Like last time, or before, or maybe all rather, it went through my head the subject of the cover and the important decision is to choose one or the other image, the color of the header and the labels that appear ... because admittedly, all we determined on occasion by a magazine or another depending on how beautiful the cover. Personally, I give it much importance to the layout, I prefer a home free of annoying banners, may be indicative yes, but always (unless a plastiquito permit) we will quickly leaves to take a look inside. Hence, no effort to assimilate the uncompensable Anna Wintour for playing 'Tetris' with the labels on the covers of Vogue U.S., and increasingly admire the covers of Vogue Paris, always perfect, with the right words and want to ensure that recoating the inside.
Yesterday I Went Down to the newspaper agency, Had it really passed quite a lot of time since the last visit and well, it was time to renew magazines. As the previous time, and the one before, and actually as always, the topic about the covers and the big decision that is chosing the perfect image, the heading color and the text that will appear came to my mind, because, let's admit it, everyone has decided at one time at least, to chose a magazine or another according to how beauty the covers is. Personally I really give importance to the layout and I prefer a cover free of annoying texts. They may be use as an indication about waht we are gonna find in, but we'll always (unless a practic doesn't allow us to) have a quick look at the interior. That's why I really don't understand the uncomprehensible desire of Anna Wintour about playing 'tetris' with the texts on all Vogue US covers, and that's why I absolutely admire each Vogue Paris cover, always amazing and perfect, with the appropiated and necessary number of word that make us wanna discover the whole magazine.
Yesterday I Went Down to the newspaper agency, Had it really passed quite a lot of time since the last visit and well, it was time to renew magazines. As the previous time, and the one before, and actually as always, the topic about the covers and the big decision that is chosing the perfect image, the heading color and the text that will appear came to my mind, because, let's admit it, everyone has decided at one time at least, to chose a magazine or another according to how beauty the covers is. Personally I really give importance to the layout and I prefer a cover free of annoying texts. They may be use as an indication about waht we are gonna find in, but we'll always (unless a practic doesn't allow us to) have a quick look at the interior. That's why I really don't understand the uncomprehensible desire of Anna Wintour about playing 'tetris' with the texts on all Vogue US covers, and that's why I absolutely admire each Vogue Paris cover, always amazing and perfect, with the appropiated and necessary number of word that make us wanna discover the whole magazine.
Vogue Paris December 2010 / January 2011 - Model: Daphne Groeneveld - Photos: Mert and Marcus
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